
Sophrosyne: (n.) A healthy state of mind, Characterized by a self- control, moderation, and a deep awareness of one's true self, and resulting in true happiness.

1. Do you love yourself enough to forgive yourself?

2. Do you love yourself enough to forgive others?

3. Do you love yourself enough to feed your soul with whatever your heart intends?

Everyone thinks that self-acceptance is something that is easy and can happen overnight. Well it isn't and I am going to explain to you why...

 Accepting yourself can’t be done by affirmations, positive thinking or by standing in front of the mirror and saying "I love myself".

All of the previous methods only build a fake crust surrounding the real you that prevents you from getting in touch with your real self and that isolates your real needs.
Real self acceptance happens when you start changing your habits, life style and actions so that you find yourself worthy of being accepted.
Suppose that being shy was the reason you can't accept yourself. In such a case you should fight to develop social skills, read all articles about shyness and force yourself to deal with people. Only then your subconscious mind will help you accept yourself because it will believe in you.

If there is something about you that you dislike while you can change it then self acceptance will not happen unless you get rid of it. Self acceptance is about taking actions to remove the things and the factors that are preventing you from accepting yourself rather than staying defeated and trying to convince yourself that you love yourself.

If you hate the fact that you are weak then learn how to become strong.
If you hate the fact that you are not successful then learn how to be successful.
If you don’t like your body shape then change it through exercising.
Don't lie to yourself, self acceptance can only happen when you take actions and change the things that you dislike about yourself!

I myself had a very rough time learning to accept myself and to love myself for who and how I am.
There were days when I couldn't sleep or eat because I kept coming at myself for not being where I should be in life, or for not doing the things that my parents wanted me to do. I thought that I was going the wrong route because I couldn't make my parents proud, but I learned that at the end of the day you only have yourself and if you don't take some time to think about what makes YOU happy and what it is that you want to do with your life then you will always find yourself stuck and disappointed with yourself. Remember that NOBODY is PERFECT, but you can design your life to be perfect!

Here are 10 ways to cultivate self-acceptance.

  1. Set an intention - If I set my intention that a life with self-acceptance is far better than a life of self-hatred then I begin a chain reaction within my being geared to a life of peace.
  2. Celebrate your strengths - Write down your strengths daily, you can start with something small such as " I'm a kind person"...
  3. Consider the people around you - What kind of people do you surround yourself around? Who speaks negatively to you? Who reinforces negative self talk?
  4. Create a support system - Distance yourself from people who brings you down!
  5. Forgive yourself - It's important to learn from the mistakes, make effort to grow, and to accept that you can't change the past!
  6. Shush your inner critic - You are only human, doing your best and that is all you can do!
  7. Grieve the loss of unrealized dreams - Even if those childhood dreams that you had for yourself didn't happen, move on and get back to being the best you possible!
  8. Perform charitable acts - When you sacrificially give to others, you see how your deeds are a positive influence on other lives!
  9. Be kind to yourself - The key to self- compassion is to understand that weakness and frailty are part of the human experience.
  10. Speak to your highest self - Visualize your highest and best self that lies deep within you, imagine it stepping outside of you and looking at you in your current life circumstance or situation, what would you tell yourself at that moment ?!


  1. In order to be happy we need to accept ourselves and be pleasant with who we are๐Ÿ˜Š Love this blog๐Ÿค—

    1. That is 100% correct sis! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ Thank you for reading it ♥️♥️


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